Qglviewer Opengl . The library is now always built in the qglviewer directory. Overload init() instead of this.
Libqglviewer is an open source c++ library based on qt that eases the creation of opengl 3d viewers. Opengl, project is a 3d engine, project is a graphics toolkit, qt programming language c++ related categories c++ user interface (ui) software, c++.
Qglviewer Opengl Images References :
Source: github.com
GitHub QtOpenGL/QGLVieweropenglshadersviewzoompan Qt OpenGL , Note all the opengl specific.
Source: github.com
GitHub michaelbrade/QGLViewer Qt OpenGL Widget to view, zoom, pan , The library is now always built in the qglviewer directory.
Source: www.morethantechnical.com
How I fell for QGLViewer for my Qt/OpenGL projects [w/ code] More , The examples' pro files are simplified and more robust.
Source: blog.csdn.net
开源项目推荐:3D点云可视化软件(Qt+OpenGL组合库);重点是ccViewer和libQGLViewer_qt 开源项目 3d可视化 , 25 rows other features include mouse manipulated frames, interpolated keyframes, object selection, stereo display, screenshot saving and much more.
Source: blog.csdn.net
基于QGLViewer实现的点云显示、框选(实例)_qml点云显示的案例CSDN博客 , The library is now always built in the qglviewer directory.
Source: blog.csdn.net
使用QT搭建点云显示框架系列一——QGLViewer_qt qglviewer 3d点云显示CSDN博客 , Note all the opengl specific.
Source: paulwilhelm.de
OpenGLTutorial Voxelgrafik Paul Wilhelm , 25 rows other features include mouse manipulated frames, interpolated keyframes, object selection, stereo display, screenshot saving and much more.
Source: github.com
GitHub yushuiqiang/QGCodeViewer Qt5 widget which encapsulates , Stack overflow for teams where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers;
Source: github.com
GitHub cyt2017/QGLViewer_animation 使用qt上封装的opengl,实现喷泉动画效果。粒子:三个函数:1 , That enables the quick creation of opengl 3d viewers.
Source: blog.csdn.net
QGLViewer+Qt5+VS2017开发环境搭建CSDN博客 , Add some libglu dependency in examples that rely on it.